Based in Northampton covering, Northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire
We offer a range of services, including Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA), Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRA), bat surveys, kayak surveys for otters and water voles, as well as surveys for dormice, reptiles, and badgers.
Biodiversity Net Gain assessments are now mandatory for all developments, requiring a 10% net gain. Macmillan Eco
We offer a range of services, including Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEA), Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRA), bat surveys, kayak surveys for otters and water voles, as well as surveys for dormice, reptiles, and badgers.
Biodiversity Net Gain assessments are now mandatory for all developments, requiring a 10% net gain. Macmillan Ecology has many years of experience in carrying out BNG assessments. Early engagement is essential to ensure that this 10% net gain can be achieved.
Ben Macmillan has over eight years of experience in the ecology sector. He holds a Level 1 GCN licence and has experience conducting UK Habitat Classification surveys for Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs) and Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIAs). Ben is a qualified River MoRPH surveyor who can carry out river condition assessments
Ben Macmillan has over eight years of experience in the ecology sector. He holds a Level 1 GCN licence and has experience conducting UK Habitat Classification surveys for Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs) and Ecological Impact Assessments (EcIAs). Ben is a qualified River MoRPH surveyor who can carry out river condition assessments for the biodiversity metric.
Macmillan Ecology has a network of associate ecologists to collaborate with on larger projects
Drone surveys are becoming an important tool in ecology surveys. At Macmillan Ecology, we are trained drone pilots and utilise drones to support Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs), Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRAs), and other bespoke ecology drone surveys.
Drone surveys are included at no additional cost within the quotes for PEA
Drone surveys are becoming an important tool in ecology surveys. At Macmillan Ecology, we are trained drone pilots and utilise drones to support Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs), Preliminary Roost Assessments (PRAs), and other bespoke ecology drone surveys.
Drone surveys are included at no additional cost within the quotes for PEAs and PRAs. Orthomosaic maps of the site are created as standard to ensure accurate mapping of the habitats present on-site.
An assessment of the habitats present on site using UK HAB classification, to establish a baseline. The site will be assessed for its suitability for protected species and further surveys may be recommended within the report. UAV mapping included as standard.
Surveys can be undertaken at all times of year but condition assessments to inform BNG assessments need to be undertaken between April and October.
An assessment of building and trees present at site to determine the suitability for roosting bats. Three categories are used to determine suitability for bats.
PRAs can be undertaken at all times of year to determine suitability.
If a development contains a watercourse or is within 10m of a watercourse and BNG is required a River Condition Assessment is required to establish the baseline condition of the watercourse which will inform the BNG Assessment
A BNG assessment will be undertaken using the results from the PEA to determine a baseline score using the statutory biodiversity metric, landscaping proposals must be provided by the client in order to undertake the assessment.
A condition of the BNG assessment, this document is used to manage the new habitats created as a result of the BNG assessment
Surveys recommended from a PEA
Up to three surveys dependant on suitability, cost will vary depending on the number of surveyors required. Survey season is between May and mid August.
A minimum of three night time walkover surveys should be carried out for sites of Low Suitability for foraging and commuting bat, comprising of a mix of dusk and dawn surveys. Sites of higher suitability for bats would require up to two survey visits per month between April and October.
Eight visits by a suitably qualified ecologist to determine presence/likely absence at the site. suitable refugia for reptiles are placed within suitable habitat for the site. Surveys are undertaken between April and October.
Quick analysis of waterbodies to determine presence/likely absence of GCN eDNA of waterbodies within 500m of a proposed development. (eDNA survey season is between mid April and the end of June). If a positive result is returned then traditional GCN surveys will be recommended to estimate population size,
Initial 4 surveys bottle trap surveys to determine presence/likely absence, if GCN are discovered then two additional surveys are required to determine population size, which will incur an additional cost. (GCN season is between March and June).
Two surveys undertaken between April and September. Where suitable surveys are undertaken via kayak to determine presence/ likely absence.
50 dormouse boxes will be distributed within suitable habitat at the site to determine presence/likely absence of dormouse within the site. The season is between April and November and boxes will be checked monthly.
If a suitable burrows are identified within the PEA then further investigation to determine whether the holes are being used by badger are recommended. Trail cameras will be used for 21 days to determine whether badgers are present. Cameras are checked weekly.
All sites are different and costs will vary, please contact us to get an accurate quote
07405353551 31 High Street, Hardingstone, Northampton Northamptonshire NN4 6BZ